
a thermal van lining system designed to prevent extreme temperature build-up in your van.

Extreme temperature is a known risk.

DefendFleet is designed to protect your man, and your van from injury or damage.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, consistent work in temperatures exceeding 77°F results in increased risks of heat-related illnesses. Things such as sunstroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and in extreme cases - heatstroke, all become likely possibilities

Summertime averages exceed the 77°F threshold in 10 states across the U.S., with some averaging well over 80°F. In states such as Arizona, temperatures climb above 100°F on a daily basis. In the back of cargo vans, that temperature only compounds.

In contrast, states like North Dakota, Minnesota, and other Northern regions routinely see temperatures drop below 20°F (-7). In these conditions, lesser known work injuries such frostbite and hypothermia become real possibilities.

If not properly addressed, knowledge of these risks leaves you open to liability. That’s why we developed DefendFleet - to protect your van and to protect your brand.

Contact Us Request a Trial Kit

Our top priorities are the preservation of your vehicles and the safety of your employees.


DefendFleet insulation preserves the ambient internal temperature of your van. That means your van will keep its original temperature regardless of the conditions outside - hot or cold. Protect your cargo, and your employees too.

Time to Reach Potentially Harmful Temperature


2.5 Hours


4.6 Hours

DefendFleet Plus

5.4 Hours

DefendFleet Premium

9.5+ Hours

Increase Cargo Protection

By ensuring stable temperature conditions, DefendFleet helps preserve the quality and integrity of temperature-sensitive goods - reducing the possibility of spoilage. It also ensures the functionality of your tools regardless of exterior temperatures.

Cost Savings

DefendFleet is proven to save you money.

Comparable insulation solutions can run upwards of $30,000. DefendFleet comes at just a fraction of that cost.

In addition, maintaining a comfortable work environment for your employees can boost morale, increase productivity, and encourage employee retention. That means less turnover, and less overhead costs.

‎Choose Your Package


Our baseline DefendFleet configuration is designed to provide short-term temperature relief for up to 4.5 hours.

The addition of reflective insulation works to repel the thermal load of the sun (and cold of the winter) to delay temperature transfer.

Kit includes:
  • Duratherm Interior Liners

  • Additional Insulation

DefendFleet Plus

The DefendFleet Plus configuration provides thermal management solutions for up to 5.4 hours.

By adding Ventilation Units, you can further delay the transfer of external temperatures within your cargo area. It cycles out stagnant air, and keeps a constant air vortex.

Kit includes:
  • Duratherm Interior Liners

  • Additional Insulation

  • Phase Change Material (PCM)

DefendFleet Premium

Our top-of-the-line Heat Mitigation Solution allows for over 9.5 hours of extreme temperature protection.

The kit includes a combination of all of our Thermal Management products, and more than triples the time it takes for your van to change temperatures!

Phase Change Material works to absorb the heat of the sun and dispense the stored energy when temperatures cool.

Kit includes:
  • DuraTherm Interior Liners

  • Reflective Insulation

  • Ventilation Unit(s)

  • Phase Change Material (PCM)

Customize DefendFleet to Your Needs

DefendFleet isn't always one-size-fits-all. It's also a tailor-made solution designed specifically for you.

Need some help? Talk to customer support 866.223.2256